


Operational Testing
Operational Testing

Are you wondering, "Operational testing delayed my train. Why can't it be done some other time?"

PTC-Related Delays
PTC-Related Delays

What are PTC-related delays?

Fare Increases: Why, What and How
Fare Increases: Why, What and How

Why do fares sometimes need to be increased? How does VRE present the need to the public, and how will a fare increase affect you?

VRE at the Forefront of Regional Transportation – You Can Plan On It!
At Forefront of Regional Transportation

Before VRE can even think about the design and construction of any capital improvements, the projects have to be carefully planned by the VRE Project Development Department.


What is a Swampoodle? No, it is not a wet dog as the name implies. Rather, it is the location of an Irish community that once resided where Union Station now stands.